Myths you believe but are false!

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HEY, hey, HEY!
Welcome back to my blog and thank you for checking it out.
If you don't already know, my name is Nicole. I have a YouTube channel, which you should totally check out by clicking here because, spreading love and growing together is #GOALS. 
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If you haven't already, you should read my last post 'How do I feel about being in an interracial relationship?' by clicking that title or here.


1. Shaving leads to your hair growing thicker
Am I the only one that's been told that if you shave, your hair will grow thicker? I was always hesitant when I was young because I didn't want to wake up looking like Chewbacca. When you shave, it cuts out the thinnest part of the hair in the tapered point and more grows back, (obviously), with a choppy edge so when you touch it, it seems like it's thick but really, it's not. 

2. Waking up a sleepwalker can lead to harming them
 Believe it or not, waking them up doesn't harm them but it actually will most likely harm the person waking the sleepwalker up. If you wake them up, they'll most likely slap you in the face from the aura of them opening their eyes. 

3. Bulls are angered by the colour red
I used to believe this my whole entire life, thanks to cartoons and I thought that that would explain as to why they charge at matadors who wave around the red capes, until a month ago. I found out that bulls are colourblind to the colour red. They charge at anything that's moving around in front of them regardless of the colour so if you're ever trapped with an angry bull, don't move around.

4. Goldfish have 3 seconds memory
Nearly everyone I know believed/believes this; and have you ever heard of the saying 'You have a memory like a goldfish'? I've been told that a couple of times growing up. I know you can relate. Don't lie. In fact, goldfishes can remember for up to 5 months, which is still better than my memory so well done Nicole. 

Aaannnnddddddd, that's all I have for you this week. 
Don't forget to tune in next thursday for a new blog post!
And, WATCH OUT for my new video tomorrow which will be up on YouTube. 

Stay safe guys. Much love.

B L O G: Every Thursday
Y O U T U B E: Every Friday


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